The Zombie Rights Campaign -- Home

"The good we secure for ourselves is precarious and uncertain until it is secured for all of us and incorporated into our common life."
- Jane Addams

"'Life' includes 'undead existence'."
- The ZRC

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How You Can Help

The Zombie Rights Campaign depends on the aid of kind supporters like you, and welcomes help in a variety of forms. We humbly suggest writing letters to your elected officials, raising Zombie Awareness amongst your friends and family, or participating in pro-Zombie events in your community. While you may not have the time to organize a protest or join a candlelight vigil, never doubt that you can still make a difference. Sometimes the most powerful change can come from sitting down with a loved one and teaching them the truth about the Undead.

Make sure to check out the ZRC blog for updates, action-alerts and various pro-Zombie activities, brought to you by the Zombie Rights Campaign. If you know of a pro-Undead event happening in your area, we'd love to hear about it too. Remember, the cause of advancing Zombie Rights isn't just hard, vital work -- it can also be a lot of fun!

The Zombie Rights Campaign now has a variety of merchandise on sale in our store. Proceeds from sales of stickers and t-shirts (and, coming soon, other products such as buttons, posters, and more!) will benefit the ZRC and help keep our noble cause shambling happily into the future for many years to come. Remember, though, that if you can't afford to give, you can still be a valuable member of the movement for Zombie Rights through your courage, passion for equality, and your willingness to speak out against an injustice that has gone on for far too long.

Thanks for your support!

The Zombie Rights Campaign
John J Sears, President
Jenny Rowland, Technical Director


Except where noted, website and content is (cc) 2008-2011 by the Zombie Rights Campaign, under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 United States License.

The ZRC is not affiliated with the Human Rights Campaign in any way, shape or form, and we applaud their goal to bring basic human rights to, you know, basic human beings. We just want to do the same for those human beings who happen to be undead. Any similarities to the HRC are intended as parody, and really, if the folks in charge of the HRC can't take a joke then I guess they're just lucky that people don't go to the movies to watch THEM get hacked to pieces by chainsaws and cricket bats.
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