The Zombie Rights Campaign Blog

Propagandizing Schoolchildren Against Zombies in Hampton, Virginia

A wave of vandalism with Anti-Zombie themes has struck in Hampton, Virginia recently:

HAMPTON, Va. (WAVY) – Zombie signs just can’t be killed. Road signs were changed to warn of the undead for the third time in as many days Thursday.

The prankster hit along Fox Hill Road in Hampton sometime overnight. Authorities had turned the sign off and away from the road the day before, but that apparently didn’t keep the culprit away.

In each case the electronic sign read “Caution: Zombies Ahead.”

Two signs have warned of zombies – one across from Barron Elementary and the other near Benjamin Syms Middle School.

The signs were supposed to warn drivers about pipeline construction in the area.

Some might see this as nothing more than a harmless prank, but I ask you, if that was the case, why are they placing their fearmongering so close to the local schools? If a graffiti artist was tagging the walls around a local school with anti-semitic slogans and artwork, it would be seen, rightly, as an attempt to sow discord and spread hate and fear amongst the next generation; why is this any different?

Imagine what it must be like for any Zombie schoolchildren in the district to see, day after day, signs purporting to be official messages from their government warning that Zombies are nearby, and that thusly caution should be exercised. “Are they talking about *me*?” said Zombie child might ask themselves.

Well, pranksters? ARE you talking about them?

These are some pretty committed individuals too:

It appears the vandals broke that lock, then cracked the password and changed the message, according to Hampton Roads Sanitation Department spokeswoman Nancy Munnikhysen.

The contractor told HRSD this is the first time something like this has happened to him.

Even if this contractor is setting the password to something stupid and easy to guess, like A123 or 0000, you’re still talking about breaking locks and standing by the side of the road for a considerable length of time, when anyone might see you. That dedication makes it seem less like hijinks and more like organized hate to me.

About The Author

The role of 'Administrator' will be played tonight by John Sears, currently serving as President of The Zombie Rights Campaign.


2 Responses to “Propagandizing Schoolchildren Against Zombies in Hampton, Virginia”

  1. John, we at Zombie Zone News are very pleased to have a supporter of Zombie Rights, such as yourself, on our side. I’ve been a member of the Functional Dead for years, and it’s good to know “people” are looking out for us. I work at a news website, and if you are ever interested in spreading the word of understanding and acceptance of the undead further, we would be glad to have you visit and, perhaps if we’re lucky, post occasionally, on the site.


  2. John Sears says:

    The ZRC is very happy to hear from you, Don, and we definitely want you to know that we here are on your side. In fact, we want all Zombies to know that they have friends and allies, Living and Undead alike, out there eager to lend a hand.

    As for myself I’m always happy to spread the message of understanding and acceptance to new forums, so I’ll definitely check out your site and see what hopeful messaging I can come up with.

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