John Sears | November 23, 2013
Here at The Zombie Rights Campaign we’re very concerned about official Anti-Zombie prejudice deriving from the negative stereotypes you see in popular culture. It’s certainly a problem when Robert Kirkman flaunts his hatred of the Differently Animated; it’s much more of a problem with official government agencies do it. Zombies have Civil Rights too. So [...]
Category: Zombie Media |
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Tags: Social Justice, Youtube Mischief
John Sears | November 16, 2013
The Zombie Rights Campaign largely stayed out of commenting on the political arena this year, but we would like to, now that the campaign season has cooled down, issue a word of caution about a trend we are observing: Protesting as Zombies. In other words, dressing up as Zombies, not to protest on behalf of [...]
Category: Zombie Media, ZRC News |
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Tags: Don't Use the Zed Word, Greenface
John Sears | November 9, 2013
The Zombie Rights Campaign has been aware of the work of artist George Pfau for a while now, but we have been remiss in bringing him to your attention, and it’s time to rectify that. Mr. Pfau is a Living Artist, who works in Zombie Art. This in and of itself is not so surprising. [...]
Category: Zombie Media |
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Tags: Zombie Art
John Sears | November 9, 2013
If you’ve been on the internet the last few years, no doubt you have seen the seemingly endless parade of ‘TED Talks’, or ‘lifehacks’, and such. Videos or articles outlining supposedly revolutionary ways to view the world or change our behaviors to improve our lives. Well, what if Zombies, in a ‘Zombie Apocalypse’ scenario, had [...]
Category: Zombie Media |
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Tags: Youtube Mischief