The Zombie Rights Campaign Blog

Walking Dead Season 8 – Second Half Thoughts

Well, as predicted, TWD did not give us Zombie Carl.

It also didn’t give us an escape from Negan’s endless chattery.

Instead there was another half season of scheming, double-crosses, triple-crosses… if our math is right, the finale had a quintuple cross at the end. Like nesting dolls made of treachery.

So there was a lot of that. But in the end, not much, you know… plot progress.

And there weren’t very many Walking “Dead” either, except as a vast party of some sort in the distance, rendered in CG. Frankly the CG Zombies were probably having a better time than our cast (or the audience).

Through much of the second half, the Undead only show up when some minor character is being unceremoniously ushered off the program (or in Carl’s case, ushered off with, shall we say, no great haste).

Or as a sort of roving geographic obstacle.

Or a gruesome stunt, like the one in the graveyard with a large piece of grinding equipment we refuse to dignify with a discussion, and which was far too graphic to depict here on a family friendly blog.

But the sense that this is a world where the Living co-exist with (and we would hope, come to peaceful terms with) the Undead has fallen by the wayside these Negan-tastic seasons.

Now on to Fear the Walking Dead, apparently, which has fan-favorite (for a Living character at least) Morgan crossing over to attempt to save the franchise.

Our work is never done.

About The Author

The role of 'Administrator' will be played tonight by John Sears, currently serving as President of The Zombie Rights Campaign.


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