The Zombie Rights Campaign Blog

Dark Carnival Memories, 2007-2015

| September 24, 2015

The Zombie Rights Campaign has been attending the Dark Carnival (and, for the last couple of years, Diabolique International) Film Festival since before there was a Zombie Rights Campaign as such. Founded in 2007, Dark Carnival/Diabolique has been bringing horror movies of all varieties, including many Zombie films, to southern Indiana for 8 glorious, messy [...]

The Dark Carnival 2012

| October 23, 2012

The Zombie Rights Campaign has sadly attended its last Dark Carnival Film Festival in Bloomington, Indiana, this year, as the 2012 edition was the last that will be hosted in that fair city. We’ve been going to these things for a long time, even before the Zombie Rights Campaign started its bold mission to protect [...]

The ZRC is at The Dark Carnival!

| October 20, 2012

We made it down to Bloomington, Indiana for the Dark Carnival… somehow. Our trip is a tale of woe! Long walks through rain and drizzle! Missed directions! A bridge out in small town Indiana! A detour through the set of Wrong Turn 8! When the ZRC arrived we discovered The Dark Carnival had arranged a [...]

Another Scandal Involving Baron Mardi, former Zombie of the Year?

| October 13, 2012

In what I can only presume is an attempt to prepare Bloomington visitors and Dark Carnival attendees for their stay the Atomic Age Cinema crew have been posting ‘Getting to Know’ videos about each of the AAC members. Forewarned is forearmed, as they say. However the ZRC was alarmed by the video for our former [...]

The Dark Carnival Movie Reviews

| November 11, 2011

I realized recently that I never got around to reviewing the Dark Carnival Film Festival’s various Zombie related films from last month, in part due to ZombieWriMo! Let’s correct that now, shall we? ‘A Chance in Hell’ This indie take on the perennial ‘Nazi-Zombie’ motif is interesting on a number of levels. Shot in murky [...]

ZRC at Dark Carnival 2011 Days 2-3

| October 25, 2011

We had a wild and crazy few days in Bloomington, IN for the annual pilgrimage to The Dark Carnival, and have now arrived safely back at ZRC HQ in Madison. Here is the festival that was: Day 2: The ZRC saw all the films we wanted to evaluate, including ‘A Chance in Hell’, ‘Fitness Class [...]

The ZRC Has Arrived at The Dark Carnival 2011

| October 22, 2011

We had a long journey but we’re settled into the hotel and ready for a full weekend of film viewing and agitation. We also got to attend the opening party last night here in Bloomington. Some highlights: Doc Calamari has found a new and even more hideous outfit to parade around in. He describes it [...]

This Week: The Dark Carnival!

| October 18, 2011

The ZRC will be a bit busy later this week attending The Dark Carnival. Here are a few highlights! (and we hope to see some Zombie Rights Supporters there) Friday: “Monster’s Ball” Party 8 pm at Jake’s Nightclub Live Music, Monsters and Mayhem, sure to be a Zombie Friendly Outing as well Films We *Need* [...]

Top 10 Moments in Zombie Advocacy 2010

| December 31, 2010

Here we have, not strictly in order, our Top 10 favorite moments from 2010′s campaign for Zombie Rights. 10) Annoying a bunch of sad, self-important nerd-fans of Mega64 It all started with a terse critique I made of a silly internet video, and turned into a feud between the ZRC and dozens of poorly socialized, [...]

Last Batch of Dark Carnival Photos

| November 29, 2010

Kind of forgot about these, oops. Some good stuff in here too. First, you can see the whole set of new DC photos here as a subset of our flickr page. These shots show some of our work papering the legal advertising spaces on Kirkwood in Bloomington with our flyers and literature: Would you trust [...]