The Zombie Rights Campaign Blog

Last Warning to Mega64 Trolls

It’s been fun, but this is getting old. Outright obscene comments will be removed at my sole discretion; attempts at intimidation or backhanded violent threats won’t be tolerated either, and may be forwarded to your ISP/college or the relevant authorities, again at my sole discretion.

I honestly can’t believe I have to deal with this kind of nonsense on the ZRC. As a group you are the sorriest bunch of whiny, hypersensitive crybabies I have ever had the misfortune to deal with.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I have actual work to do.

About The Author

The role of 'Administrator' will be played tonight by John Sears, currently serving as President of The Zombie Rights Campaign.


22 Responses to “Last Warning to Mega64 Trolls”

  1. Peirson Stoned says:

    Your just going to make it worse for yourself

  2. John Sears says:

    Make it worse for myself?

    Pfft. If you’re under the impression that I’m the least bit afraid of the Mega64 fanbase and their hot salty tears over this issue you’re sadly mistaken.

  3. Peirson Stoned says:

    ok look whats happened so far

  4. Shelly Vee says:

    Saying that you are going to forward certain comments to ISP/college or other relevant authorities makes you sound like Jesse Slaughter’s father. There really is no way that you can get anyone in trouble through comments they make on the internet, if that were the case, we wouldn’t have trolls. You putting that in your blog comment really does make matters worse for you, because you’re putting on an air of authority that you really don’t have–pretty much, you’re asking for it.

  5. BEEZLY says:

    look what happened. mega64 fans are a proud race, and to step on something so dear to us is like poopin in our mouths.

  6. John Sears says:

    Shelly Vee, you are profoundly ignorant of the state of American law. I suggest you go read this piece on the Southern Poverty Law center for more insight into the legal status of threats on the internet:

    Short summary: you can be fined, sued, or even prosecuted, convicted and jailed for making threats under Federal law here in the United States, even if they occur on the internet.

    Once again, I hope this is a learning experience for the Mega64 fan community.

  7. TheButtguy says:

    Tsk Tsk Tsk…
    I’m guessing you are new to the internet?

  8. Shelly Vee says:

    John Sears,
    You appear to be ignorant on how many of these convictions actually go through. Oh and also, good luck, and have fun going through the hassle of finding out all the local authorities and colleges of the commenters that offended you, I’m sure it’ll be a good time consuming task for you in your spare, non-zombie activist pursuits.

    Appear as authoritative as you want, the comments won’t stop.
    If you had just ignored it, you could have saved yourself the hassle.

  9. TsimKcalb says:

    You do understand that this has been attempted before right? If you were to succeed in suing these members you would only attract attention from people who are real trolls who would go as far to take it out on you personally.
    Sorry you got some hate.
    Welcome to the internet.

  10. John Sears says:

    Actually, I already know the relevant information of the one threat I took most seriously. I narrowly decided not to forward that one on. Narrowly.

    As for how many convictions go through? It seems like the actual prosecutions succeed most of the time. Are most cases prosecuted? I doubt it. I imagine most of the time it ends with an ISP yanking your account or a college expelling you.

    I was just offering fair warning as to what MY response is going to be if I get more threats. So far it doesn’t look like you people have the technical skill to hide from simple IP loggers so I don’t think the Mega64 master cybercriminal class is going to be attacking from the shadows.

    As for Tsim’s point: ooh scary. Angry nerds with no sense of proportion are going to take something out on me ‘personally’. Right.

    Now there’s an empty threat if ever I saw one.

  11. TsimKcalb says:

    Not really a threat. Just things I have noticed happening on the internet. Heck there have even been news reports on this kind of harassment. All you have is people commenting on your website using slurs that they use ironically like their mega64 counterparts. I wasn’t trying to scare you. I was just trying to provide you with something you were bereft of this weekend. Intelligent discussion.

  12. Cutsman says:

    Re: hot salty tears

    I think both sides are laughing over how pissed off you’re getting over this. I know I am.

    There’s my two cents. I’ll let you get back to your “actual work”.

  13. John Sears says:

    Tsim: I know you weren’t being threatening there. I was referring to the threat of nerd harassment on the internet. People have this amazingly false idea that they can use the power of the web to reach out and smite their meatspace enemies with impunity, and… it’s not true.

    It’s not even remotely true. There are consequences. I’m not some wilting highschool kid who is going to be bullied into self-destructive behavior. I’m not afraid of this particular mob.

    Quite frankly I wish they’d get bored already and go away. I have more important matters to attend to; this is our busy season.

  14. Boyo says:


  15. Kyle says:

    “Actual work to do” HAHAHAHAHAHA

  16. 4chan says:

    busy season huh

  17. JOE says:

    Wow really you are writing on a website that is about zombies please do us all favor Mr Sears and SHUT THE FUCK UP!

    What kind of “Actual work to do” do you have?? look up about zombie stuff??? THAT’S NOT EVEN REAL! GROW UP! quit trying to act like an internet tough guy.

  18. Peirson Stoned says:


    DO THE SKIT!!!!!!!!!! because your the best :)

  19. I thought this blog was about zombies. Unsubscribing.

  20. Peirson Stoned says:

    My Zombie blog is waaaay better than your shit zombie blog!!

  21. Dr Jambi says:

    Do the skit!

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