The Zombie Rights Campaign Blog

Offensive Video Shows How to ‘Zombie Proof’ a Car

Mighty Car Mods out of Australia have put out a video detailing how to armor and equip a car to combat the Undead so that crazy Aussie survivalists can live out their paranoid delusions of the ‘Zombie Apocalypse’ in style:

The basic premise here is just patently insulting. Why would you need to make a car ‘Zombie Proof’? Oh, I see, it’s because in the absence of civilization if you don’t like someone, it’s ok to use a motor vehicle to inflict violence upon them… at least, if they lack a heartbeat.

Riiiiiight. What a load of Living-Supremacist nonsense. Hey, car-mod dudes? Maybe you wouldn’t have to worry about fights with the Differently Animated if you didn’t tool around in a black armored SUV popping out of the roof hatch, menacing every Zombie you see with a shotgun.

What is with the obsession with armored vehicles and post-apocalyptic survival anyway? Is it all just little boys who grew up watching Mad Max and now want to have a cool car with armored plating and barricaded windows, but combined with their latest daydream/hobby, Anti-Undead violence? It was even pointed out in Night of the Living Dead (the remake I believe) that it doesn’t take that much effort to flip a car, so putting some lightweight screens on a small SUV won’t help if you tick off an angry (and in this case, completely justified) group of Zombie individuals to tip over your tricked-out toy.

Another small nitpick is that a katana is really *not* a good choice for a survivalist weapon, since they have a very hard, sharp but brittle edge, and once damaged are very difficult to repair, as well as requiring considerable upkeep in the meantime.

I probably shouldn’t be pointing this out but I’m a stickler for facts. It just goes to show that Anti-Zombie types are often misinformed on a variety of topics, not just Living-Undead relations.

Me, I long for a day when we see a car show detail how to modify a vehicle to be more Zombie Friendly. Paint it green for solidarity, modify the interior so it’s easier to party with your Undead friends on a road trip, that sort of thing. Really, since Zombies are people too, a car is basically a car, but the thought and the inclusiveness would be a great change of pace.

(h/t to ZER Customs)

About The Author

The role of 'Administrator' will be played tonight by John Sears, currently serving as President of The Zombie Rights Campaign.


33 Responses to “Offensive Video Shows How to ‘Zombie Proof’ a Car”

  1. fdiswebsite says:

    LOL u guys fuckin suck go suck a dick

  2. fgt says:

    “The basic premise here is just patently insulting. Why would you need to make a car ‘Zombie Proof’?”

    Ever heard of a thing called entertainment?
    Obviously you lack social skills or you wouldn’t be as stupid as your are demoting a video a few guy made so that people can enjoy.

    Get back to your basement idiot.

  3. HUMAN! says:

    We have a right to defend yourself against the lower races e.g. zombies, and lizards…

    All they do is take our jobs…

    They also have a foul smell, and due to their lower IQ levels are inclined to revert to violence and law breaking. Statistics show that zombies are 72.34% more likely to commit a crime.

    MCM Supporter

  4. Tim says:

    Maybe MCM should do a “living undead” proof car that the “living dead” can use to protect themselves from the alive crazies of this world like the first reply…

  5. Mcm Fan says:

    This is all bullcrap, Marty and Moog where just having some fun and to entertain people, and HUMAN! is right, zombies are dumber and we have to protect ourselves if the apocolypse really happened

  6. Mcm fan #2 says:

    Seriously? Your giving them shit, and your running a Zombie rights campaign?
    Go blow yourself and get a real job

  7. mcm fan says:

    omg get a file ppl… its all harmless fun. dont get your panties in a bunch… maybe you should spend your time doing something else than making an running a site called

    “the zombie rights campaign blog” srsly WTF?

  8. (Rob) Zombie says:

    I am so hurt by your comments regarding Zombies, we have feelings and needs also you know…

    Planning to murder innocent Zombie families, please look in the mirror.

    regarding job taking would you rather us not work? we were once human too you know!

    (Rob) Zombie

  9. MCM-Fan says:

    LOL … you guys fail at life.

    a) To take offence to an obviously entertaining video is to be strapped of life, so we might as well mow you down with a zombie proof vehicle

    b) It’s entertaining

    c) You seriously need a new hobbie when you’re worrying about what a youtube channel is saying about zombies

    d) it’s entertaining

    e) MCM is awesome.

    f) it’s entertaining

    g) It’s nice that you guys can sprout facts, but at the end of the day, you need to have a coke and a smile and shut the f*ck up!

    I usually hate responding for the sake of responding and I hate appearing to be all high and mighty jumping on a bandwagon, but the fact that you’re nitpicking at small facts for the sake of creating an argument in order to sway an audience away from an entertaining youtube channel, means you really don’t have much of an argument.

    I’d like to end with an adjusted quote from the movie Billy Madison

    “At no point during your incoherent ramblings did you resemble anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone is now dumber from reading what you have written. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.”


  10. Lawl says:


    Sounds like the author hasn’t seen the light of day for over a couple of years. He probably can’t grasp the concept of entertainment.

    Go get a tan or something.

  11. Random says:

    Hahahahahaha lighten up abit u sad basement dwelling fag. Mcm did it for entertainment, that thing where you make your viewers laugh and enjoy the things you do. I’m sure their whole channel is entirely devoted to zombie survival fact documentary. Note the sarcasm. See what I did there?

  12. cunt says:

    zombie rights campaign?

    this website is full of FUCKING SHIT

    bunch of bullshit

  13. mr right says:

    mcm is so awesome .. Marty and moogs shit is better than you… go get a life

  14. John Sears says:

    First of all, thank you all for commenting. I apologize for the lateness of response; our site went down last night and it took a while to fix the issues.

    Second, to those who are at least willing to discuss the video and the concept of Zombie Rights, pro or con, in a civil tone, I thank you. We’re always open for dialogue here at the ZRC.

    To those foul-mouthed homophobic trolls who have nothing better to do than come to our site and use anti-gay slurs to complain about us? You’re the ones that need lives. It’s pathetic. Your behavior, not to mention your spelling and grammar, is an insult to sentience.

    Finally, to those who suggest I go back to my ‘basement’ and that we have no lives here at the ZRC: I’m sorry, I was out all day yesterday fighting for democracy in our Capitol. What were you doing with your time? I’m sure it was equally productive and civic-minded.

    I’m sure trolling a website over a single post criticizing a video you like, a month after it went up, that’s just as important. When the history books are written your place is assured by this noble struggle.

  15. mcm fan from america says:

    whoever made this web site is a stupid turd i say that nicely. Every wonder why people hate american’s its because of brainless ppl like the one or ones that made this web page you give us americans a bad name, The guys form MCM are great at what they do and if i ever had the pleasure of meeting them i would drop anything im doing at the drop of a hat to meet them so from one american to another get your bitch ass in the kitchen and make me some pie

  16. This again…

    It’s okay, guys, really. We aren’t going to come to your house and poke you with sticks. Someone, somewhere on the Internet, doesn’t like the same Internet video you do. You don’t need to all rush over here and jump around beating on your chests to scare us away from your territory. And I’m sorry you feel so threatened by random blog posts. The Internet must be a terrifying place for you, constantly full of terrifying ordeals waiting to happen. My god, for all you know someone could be blogging a negative opinion about an entertainment product you enjoy *right now*!

    I honestly never even watched the video when it was posted here, and now I think I never will. After all, what if I didn’t like it? What if I *publicly admitted* not liking it? I’m not sure some of you could stand the strain.

    PS to HUMAN!, though:
    > Statistics show that zombies are 72.34% more
    > likely to commit a crime.
    I’ll give you the lizard people, though. They should go back to their own planet.

  17. Hubert says:

    John, dude. It’s just a satirical video, obviously you’re too ignorant to see that everything they say/do in this video is largely exaggerated and is mainly for the purpose of humour.
    You’re insulting someones work on the basis it’s false and “misleading”, well here’s a fun fact- ZOMBIES DON’T EXIST YOU. So get the f*ck over your little blog and get on with your life, douche.

  18. …and thank you all for providing us so many excellent examples of getting on with one’s life.

    After all, maybe one doesn’t like something one saw on the Internet, but that doesn’t mean one has to… go and… post… about it…

    BRB, irony attack. Gotta go laugh hysterically for a while.

  19. John Sears says:

    Yes, good lord, once again we have the High Paladins of Internet Humor here to fight the good fight against anyone who doesn’t like their precious comedy videos.

    Yet I’m the one without a life. Always me. How odd.


    Someone should sell fill-in-the-blank bumper stickers. They’d make a killing.

  21. …what happened to the “barrage” of witty repartee? I’m lonely now. :(

  22. John Sears says:

    I just posted a correction to the Facebook thread so I expect to get lots of nasty anti-gay comments anytime now.

  23. TONES says:

    how fucking stupid are you how is this offensive you faggot.

  24. HUMAN! says:

    Oh sure Zombies playing the victim card again…

    Humans have pulled the world out of the dark ages, where may I ask were the zombies during this? getting high like usual?

    It’s also a well known fact, that Zombies steal your Girlfriend / Wife, keep to your own species.

    When the Zombie crime rate drops maybe us living will cut you a break.

  25. > how fucking stupid are you how
    > is this offensive you faggot.


    > where may I ask were the zombies
    > during this? getting high like usual?

    Pfft, like anyone was willing to sell them… substances.

    Um, er. I mean… I disagree with your statement. On some grounds. Probably.

  26. John Sears says:

    I haven’t looked at a UCR in a long time, sir, not since my undergrad days, but I would hazard a guess that, in fact, the rate of Zombie Crime is very low indeed.

    Zombies tend to be model citizens, because given the excuse, there are a very large number of Savini-esque members of law enforcement itching for a chance to use their weaponry.

    So I doubt your claims of rampant criminality.

    The stuff about stealing girlfriends/wives speaks far more about you than Zombies. Maybe if you treated your partners better, remembered holidays, got flowers, they wouldn’t leave you for the first decent guy, Undead or otherwise, who comes along.

  27. Zombie+MCM Fan says:

    Sadly this website promotes respect between both those living, and those recently animated, yet it does not even demonstrate respect between those that are living.

    It is entirely plausible that some of the ‘beings’ on here that have enjoyed the humour of the video, are indeed undead. Zombies use YouTube – this is a clear fact defined in the Norwegian census 2009 where 2.3% of participants on a government study (run by Jens Stoltenberg, the current Prime Minister of Norway) on internet behaviour wrote down their status as ‘Zombie’. Of this 2.3%, 67% said they used YouTube as their main source of entertainment. Now, you do the maths of how many people in Norway are actually Zombies watching YouTube.

    As a massive fan of zombies and Mighty Car Mods (yes we do exist) I think we should all agree to a mutual truce, and demonstrate the tolerance and respect that is meant to be promoted by this blog.

    The slandering and abuse being flung on this site is offensive to all involved, and I personally know two zombies that would be upset to see the living, behaving in such a disgraceful manner.

    I love Zombies
    I love Mighty Car Mods

    I stand proud

    Who’s with me?

  28. John Sears says:

    To Zombie+MCM fan:

    For one thing, I don’t believe we ‘slandered’ them at all, since we included the video in question. While we respect your right to have your opinion on the subject, it’s pretty clear from the video, where they discuss how to modify a vehicle to facilitate Zombie slaughter, discuss the best weapons to use on the Differently Animated, and generally fearmonger against the Zombie Community, that Mighty Car Mods is, in fact, Anti-Zombie at a minimum.

    There’s just no real way to dispute that. When you’re offering advice on which bladed weapons to use on someone, you’re not their friend.

    That being said, I can understand the idea of Zombies watching MCM in a sort of ironic, hipster way. Baron Mardi watches and even screens a lot of Zombie movies, despite being a Zombie himself, for the comedy and historical value.

    I also question your conflating MCM with Youtube watching in general. I have a feeling that the percentage of overall Youtube traffic attributable to MCM is shockingly low. Your statistics would lend more support to Zombies in Norway being, say, fans of Lady Gaga’s Pokerface. Now THAT has gotten a lot of views.

  29. HUMAN! says:

    Zombies stole my car

  30. John Sears says:

    I think you have Zombies confused with the repo man.

  31. No. says:

    Find a new hobby, seriously.

  32. HAHAHAH says:

    HAHAHAHAHAHA u r stupid… was a fuckin joke

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