Think Geek Still Has it Out for Zombies
We’ve talked about Think Geek and their Anti-Zombie apparel before, but this one came up in browsing FearNet’s gift guide section, and I thought it was worth talking about:
We’ve discussed the importance of Thriller to the Zombie Rights Movement before here on the ZRC blog as well, so to see it specifically targeted, and its Zombie Friendly messaging negated by this savage and violent Anti-Zombie product, is particularly disheartening.
We’re going to go ahead and bump this rating all the way down to ‘Living Supremacist’ because not only is it clearly advocating violence against the Differently Animated and promulgating the worst and basest negative stereotypes about Zombies, but it also argues strenuously against any accommodation or assimilation by pushing back against tolerating even those Zombies who study dance and music for many years to help entertain and enlighten the public. Is no effort good enough for the demagogues at Think Geek?
For shame.