The Zombie Rights Campaign Blog

Auction Update!

It’s time to update the blog with the auction status and show some really awesome new items that came in yesterday.

ZRC Facebook pal and Sometimes-Nemesis (let’s be honest) Anthony G. Sumner, Director of ‘III Slices of Life’ and ‘By Her Hand, She Draws You Down’ sent us some really neat stuff to sell for the Red Cross.

First, look at the admittedly awesome III Slices of Life merch he donated:


You can familiarize yourself with the plight of the white collar Zombie with an autographed copy of W.O.R.M. on DVD, even:


Next, we have a package of some really special stuff from By Her Hand:


Don’t get me wrong, the poster is nice, but this Movie Companion is really awesome stuff. I think every Indie movie should have one, in an ideal world; you get some great insights into the process, storyboards, pictures, interviews, sketches and more, so if you’re interested in filmmaking yourself it’s a fantastic buy:


Given all that, what are you still doing here?

All items in the auction can be seen at this address, and 100% of all proceeds go The Red Cross.

Go bid already!

About The Author

The role of 'Administrator' will be played tonight by John Sears, currently serving as President of The Zombie Rights Campaign.


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