The Zombie Rights Campaign Blog

Dr. Steven Schlozman of Harvard Rehashes His Hatred to Sell New Anti-Zombie Book

We last talked about Dr. Steven Schlozman when the ZRC highlighted how a Harvard professor was pushing hate in a seminar for Living Supremacists. As disturbing as that was, it pales in comparison to the news that Dr. Schlozman has a new ‘novel’ out leveraging his medical expertise to spread more hate and fear about Zombies:

Presented as the journal kept by a neuroscientist investigating the medical causes of zombiism, Schlozman’s clever debut shows that there’s still life left in the overworked horror theme of the living dead. Dr. Stanley Blum is already infected (as is two-thirds of humankind) with ataxic neurodegenerative satiety deficiency syndrome (ANSD)—the virus that makes flesh-eating zombies lurch and lunch—when he decamps to Bassas da India, an island overseen by the U.N., to vivisect captive zombies in the hope of isolating the pathogen before he succumbs to it. Schlozman makes the science both accessible and plausible. In lieu of a meaty plot, he provides a grim vision of zombie apocalypse and a surprise explanation for the virus’s origin. Printed as a handwritten diary and illustrated in gory glory with clinical drawings by Andrea Sparacio, this book is sure to be scarfed up by ravenous zombiephiles.

Oh goody, we have a *doctor* using the knowledge imparted through his noble profession to spread fear and anxiety about an oppressed minority group, and guess what? It has lurid pictures.

Honestly, hasn’t the medical community learned from their past mistakes at all? What’s next, Anti-Zombie eugenics?

No, wait, forget I said that; Dr. Schlozman might be looking for sequel ideas.

There’s even a promotional video for the book out, drawing heavily upon Dr. Schlozman’s degree and background, along with copious amounts of footage from ‘Night of the Living Dead’, to sell this latest iteration of his fearmongering:

The Zombie Autopsies with Steven Schlozman, MD from GCP authors on Vimeo.

Really, there’s nothing here that wasn’t presented in his little seminar I highlighted above. Dr. Schlozman has concocted a fanciful explanation for why, precisely, it’s ok to malign and abuse the Differently Animated, harkening back to the tragic Italian School of Positivists who felt that they could trace criminality to organic defects of the brain, and then perhaps ‘cure’ society of undesirables, usually by removing them through one method or another.

Which Schlozman says, in fact, he would wish to do to any Zombies he came across, isolating and then ‘curing’ them though he seems confused as to where the reality ends and his own personal fantasy begins.

I think I don’t have to tell you where *that* sort of thinking led us. Oh, and by the way, the man who founded the Italian school? Who thought that people who behaved in ways he didn’t approve of were atavistic throwbacks, biologically defective?

His name was Cesare Lombroso, and he was a doctor and professor too, much like Dr. Schlozman.

History repeats itself, and unfortunately, Zombies are the ‘acceptable’ targets of scorn and discrimination in our era, according to conventional wisdom.

That’s just not tolerable for the ZRC, and so we will work to highlight the work of fearmongers like Dr. Schlozman, the modern-day Anti-Zombie Lombroso, whenever and wherever we can, and point out the proven dangers of listening to their siren song of hate.

For shame, Professor. For shame.

About The Author

The role of 'Administrator' will be played tonight by John Sears, currently serving as President of The Zombie Rights Campaign.


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