The Zombie Rights Campaign Blog

Re: Your Brains in ASL

On the one hand, it’s fascinating to see this American Sign Language translated youtube video; click on the lower right corner for a Closed Caption option that re-translates the ASL back into English in real time so you can see the differences in structure between ASL and English.

Very fascinating, very cool implementation.

On the other hand.. it’s for Re: Your Brains, one of the most popular Anti-Zombie songs of the last decade.

So, hmm. Bit of a moral dilemma.

Still, if there are any hearing-impaired ZRC readers out there, you can now see what we’ve been objecting to with the work of Mr. Coulton with sign-language accompaniment.

About The Author

The role of 'Administrator' will be played tonight by John Sears, currently serving as President of The Zombie Rights Campaign.


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