The Zombie Rights Campaign Blog

‘Bunny the Zombie Slayer’ Promotes Hatred of the Undead on Easter, the Holiday Meant to Celebrate Undeath

(The hate-filled trailer for the game that seeks to make Zombie-bashing the new Easter celebration activity)

It’s no secret, and not hugely relevant for ZRC purposes, that I’m not a religious person. In some ways it might help me to view the Undead in a more evenhanded way, since I don’t approach the subject with any preconceptions about the morality of using ‘infernal black sorcery’ to raise the dead, say.

But still, it’s painful when Easter, the holiday celebrating rebirth from the grave itself, is used against Zombies, who, whether through supernatural or material means, have also traveled that lonely path back from the void:

Bunny the Zombie Slayer is clearly a name spoof on some TV series that was popular for awhile. Ignoring that it LOOKS pretty. I wish it was a side scroller and not just an Angry Birds styled game. I’m not saying that it’s a bad thing just with it’s level of graphic greatness I wish it was more of a Jazzy The Jackrabbit rip off but regardless – it looks good!

Graphically, yes, it has polish, but that sheen is used to coat a vile hatred within, the pernicious propaganda that Zombies are here to ruin your holiday, steal your painted eggs and menace your children.

Which really, is a new wrinkle, even for us here at the ZRC.

Marring the holiday that, above all others, celebrates the dead coming back from the grave? With a game that seems derivative of other properties to begin with?

This is just low. For shame Hothead Games, for shame.

About The Author

The role of 'Administrator' will be played tonight by John Sears, currently serving as President of The Zombie Rights Campaign.


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