The Zombie Rights Campaign Blog

‘Pat the Zombie’ Shows Nothing Sacred When Spreading Fear of Zombies to Kids

Crank your outrage up to 11, people, it’s another Anti-Zombie book marketed at children:

Pat the Zombie is an adult themed spoof of the children’s classic Pat the Zombie. By adult I do mean violence and not sex for those wondering. Sex with zombie bunnies? That just doesn’t sound good on any level! No this is a book for zombie and horror fans who love having thier childhood infected with the virus that will one day claim the lives of the entire living population of the planet.

FYI, the ZRC doesn’t think you should consider it ‘claiming’ the lives of the Living population so much as it is GIVING them Unlife. It’s a lateral move — at worst. Many would consider it an upgrade.

Instead of highlighting the obvious potential upside yet another book seeks to mislead kids that Zombies are all about violence and mayhem. Sigh. As if our culture’s children needed any more inducement to be afraid of their Zombie peers.

This book is in very poor taste indeed. A ‘cruel’ spoof of a beloved children’s classic? Oh sure, they claim it’s for adults, but I think it’s obvious what the real game is here, and we find it appalling.

If you need a book to heap scorn upon though, Amazon can hook you up with a copy.

About The Author

The role of 'Administrator' will be played tonight by John Sears, currently serving as President of The Zombie Rights Campaign.


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