The Zombie Rights Campaign Blog

‘In My Next Life I Want to Be a Zombie’ Shirt: Why Not in This One?

I don’t mean to be too hard on this shirt, I think it tries hard and the core message is pretty Zombie Friendly:

Mostly positive, right?

Still I have to ask, why can’t you be a Zombie in *this* life? Is it really that big a distinction that a person dies (briefly and temporarily) then comes back as a Zombie that we must consider them a new legal/philosophical entity?

Also, what’s with the bloody hand? That’s not very Zombie Positive, and seems to imply a hostility not in agreement with the message of the shirt itself.

I think in spite of these minor flaws we can at least give the shirt a Zombie Tolerant rating. Think of it as an A- for Effort.

Pretty good show.

You can get this garment from CrazyDog Shirts.

About The Author

The role of 'Administrator' will be played tonight by John Sears, currently serving as President of The Zombie Rights Campaign.


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