The Zombie Rights Campaign Blog

‘Walking Dead’ Season 2 Casting Firms Up; Plenty of Comic Left to Adapt, Oh Boy

So there’s some more news about who’ve they’ve picked to help dramatize the Anti-Zombie prejudice and beam it into your living room, and what the second season would be about, by extension:

It looks to be that Maggie Greene (Glenn’s future lover, at least in the comic) has been cast to be plays by Lauren Cohan (from Supernatural and The Vampire Diaries so she has some interaction with monsters) and her father, Hershel, has been cast to be played by Scott Wilson (Who has been in a LOT of films you may have seen, Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon , The Last Samurai, Monster, and the list goes on!)

The more they are mentioning it looks as if this plot line may carry us through almost the entire season (which I’ve mentioned before I’m iffy on, though only because it was the only plot line I wasn’t fully sold on. Hopefully they will include the journey to from the farm and possibly away from it to say, a prison.

Let’s see… the farm storyline ended in the second volume of ‘The Walking Dead’, I read a couple more after that I believe back in the day, and there are how many volumes out now?


Yes, fourteen trade paperbacks. So far. #14 just came out.

At this rate, with each season seeming to be about one trade, ‘Walking Dead’ could go on longer than M.A.S.H. and E.R. combined. Someone get me a stiff drink.

About The Author

The role of 'Administrator' will be played tonight by John Sears, currently serving as President of The Zombie Rights Campaign.


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