The Zombie Rights Campaign Blog

Another Installment of Wildlife of the ZRC Compound

If nothing else these periodic updates on the local fauna we’re attracting here at the ZRC Compound by letting native plants take over the backyard is good for getting a bit of random attention, so…

This is the older rabbit with one eye that occasionally comes around our compound. I don’t know how it lost its eye, but otherwise the rabbit seems healthy enough.

Poor little guy.

Another rabbit.

Rabbit.. kisses? Nuzzles? I don’t know. It’s adorable I suppose.

Here’s the general flickr set of the Wildlife of the ZRC Compound

I also got a video today, as one of the juvenile rabbits was very close to the house:

We will return to our regularly scheduled Zombie Programming later today. Stay tuned!

About The Author

The role of 'Administrator' will be played tonight by John Sears, currently serving as President of The Zombie Rights Campaign.


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