The Zombie Rights Campaign Blog

‘Death Valley’ Now on MTV, Apparently Filled with Anti-Zombie Violence

Confession time: We don’t have cable here at the ZRC. I pathologically hate commercials, and between Netflix, Hulu, Youtube, Crunchyroll and many others, there’s very rarely any need to sit through one. DVDs come out faster and faster, almost on top of a television show, many are sold on iTunes as they air, and if all else fails, we do have nearby friends with an enormous flatscreen to mooch off of.

Thankfully it appears we’re missing out on absolutely nothing from MTV’s new splatter-comedy ‘Death Valley’:

Most of the writing is more obvious, and not everyone will appreciate the violence and gore, both matter of fact and joyously over the top. The sound of zombie heads being shot, clubbed and squashed is this sitcom’s equivalent of a laugh track. In one episode a story line is built around a police car that’s stuck because its wheels keeping spinning in human entrails.

In the democratic spirit of MTV, however, there’s a little something for everyone. As the grumbling cops get out to push their car off the zombie corpse, the soundtrack treats us to a Dadaist folk-punk classic, Camper Van Beethoven’s “Take the Skinheads Bowling,” now more than 25 years old. Which ties into another MTV trend: nostalgia. It’s only two months until the return of “Beavis and Butt-head.”

Grotesque Anti-Zombie violence *and* mediocre writing? Sadistic dehumanization of the Undead as a punchline?

Count us out, at least until I can rent a DVD for a formal review/condemnation.

For those who need their outrage topped up, it apparently airs on MTV, Monday nights at 10:30, Eastern and Pacific times; 9:30, Central.

You know, instead of music videos or television about music or anything else that might have been on MTV before ‘The Real World’ started its long and pathetic decline into irrelevance.

About The Author

The role of 'Administrator' will be played tonight by John Sears, currently serving as President of The Zombie Rights Campaign.


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