The Zombie Rights Campaign Blog

New Anti-Zombie Comic Collection “Daybreak”

I’d heard about this at some point in the past but it’s out now and apparently pretty ghastly for the Differently Animated:

The comic Daybreak is a field trip through the zombie apocalypse

Brian Ralph’s graphic novel Daybreak takes a phenomenological approach to survivalist horror. Like the participant in a pick-a-path novel, the reader is abruptly plopped down in the middle of a garbage-strewn hellhole.

And what of the unnamed roamers in Daybreak? Because you experience the book from a first-person view, the reader never sees a splash page of a zombie’s rotting face. Why not? Because that would signify a ghastly end for your comic avatar.

Rather, we see glimpses of these wasteland antagonists — an arm here, a shadow there.

Oh, of *course* contact with the ‘roamers’, aka Zombies, must automatically end in violence and death! How silly of us to think otherwise! *sarcasm*

Yet another example of the pervasive Anti-Zombie bias in the comics industry, ‘Daybreak’ by Brian Ralph should be available now (but has sold out or some such) from, and presumably might be available from local merchants eager to cash in on the Anti-Zombie craze.

About The Author

The role of 'Administrator' will be played tonight by John Sears, currently serving as President of The Zombie Rights Campaign.


One Response to “New Anti-Zombie Comic Collection “Daybreak””

  1. cynthia rowley bedding…

    [...]The Zombie Rights Campaign Blog » New Anti-Zombie Comic Collection “Daybreak”[...]…

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