The Zombie Rights Campaign Blog


ZRC pal and author Michelle Hartz (we reviewed her novel ‘Helpless’ here) is a big proponent of NanoWriMo and after some thinking about it (and technically wasting the first day of November) I’ve decided to sign on and write a work of Zombie Friendly fiction.. which will probably be so awful that I end up deleting it on December 1st.

This has one major implication for the blog: the ZombieWriMo experiment logically has to come first if I have any chance of success.

On top of that, I have a major travel announcement to make soon concerning a trip at the end of November, which should make the last legs of this writing experiment extra-exciting. Good thing I have a laptop, eh?

I will update the blog with important news and outrages, of course, and perhaps a daily word count and even, if I can stand the scrutiny, some excerpts, who can say?

Man I’m glad I stocked up on alcohol.

About The Author

The role of 'Administrator' will be played tonight by John Sears, currently serving as President of The Zombie Rights Campaign.


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