The Zombie Rights Campaign Blog

‘Mmmm Brains’ Shirt

BuyZombie has a blurb up about a new shirt catering to that recent and yet very pervasive idea that Zombies are obsessed with brain-eating. Because BuyZombie is a cut above average in reporting on Zombie stuff they note the actual origin of the myth in their synopsis though (kudos):

Are you one of the legion of the shambling dead that enjoy what so many zombies who have sprouted from Trioxin enjoy? Do you crave those pink juicy morsels that can only be found at the center of an uncracked open skull? If the answer is yes and brains are on your mind pick this shirt up to share your favorite food with pride!

Brain tissue isn’t really bubble-gum pink, for the record; seems to be a mix of white, beige and a little bit of pink.

And I worry that all the Zombies who don’t eat brain, as well as the ones who do, are being objectified here. Since when do we define people solely by their diet?

It’s not fair to the Zombies, we say. Zombies are people too, and there’s more to Unlife than what you eat.

About The Author

The role of 'Administrator' will be played tonight by John Sears, currently serving as President of The Zombie Rights Campaign.


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