The ZRC is at The Dark Carnival!
We made it down to Bloomington, Indiana for the Dark Carnival… somehow. Our trip is a tale of woe! Long walks through rain and drizzle! Missed directions! A bridge out in small town Indiana! A detour through the set of Wrong Turn 8!
When the ZRC arrived we discovered The Dark Carnival had arranged a showing of Night of the Living Dead as a warmup to Friday evening’s feature, ‘found.’ Which I intend to review for the ZRC someday as it is both an excellent movie and touches upon Zomsploitation in the horror film genre. More on that later.
So yes, we survived, somehow, and are off to set up our informational booth. Michelle Hartz will be available for book singing and general chit-chat about how great Zombies are! Give her your money!!
Yay zombies!!