The Zombie Rights Campaign Blog

Open Letter to Ford Motor Company Re: Fiesta Ad Campaign

To whom it may concern:

I am writing your company today on behalf of The Zombie Rights Campaign, the world’s premiere Zombie Advocacy organization, about one of the advertisements recently posted on Youtube for the Fiesta (which can be viewed at: Specifically the video entitled “Zombie Survival Guide: Starting Your Car”.

This advertisement is highly, no, *extremely* offensive to the Zombie community, an often misunderstood and frequently maligned portion of humanity who are now subjected to vicious anti-Zombie stereotyping not just in books, comics, videogames and movies, but even when researching a motor vehicle purchase. How do you think this ‘humorous’ ad makes a Zombie feel? Did you give any thought at all to the plight of the Differently Animated when you concocted this hateful little piece of commercial cinema, with a Zombie literally hauled before human ‘prey’ in chains and subjected to mockery and derision? I imagine not.

Is it appropriate to use ethnic or cultural prejudice to sell cars in the first place? Would it be acceptable to do so if it was not Zombies, but perhaps some other minority community? The ZRC is truly curious what your company considers to be going over the line when selling a car, what the outer bounds of ‘good taste’ happen to be. Is it a general lack of sensitivity that motivates commercials like this, or does Ford possess a particular dislike of the Undead American?

The Zombie Rights Campaign wants you to know both that the Zombie community and its many allies are aware of your advertisement, and that we vote with our wallets, sir or madam. You have not merely lost the interest of a concerned community on the internet; you have also lost potential customers by peddling in this defamatory tripe. We hope you will review these concerns and revisit the issue before any future advertising campaigns, in the hope of reclaiming some of the ground lost today between your company and its Zombie patrons. The first step toward healing and reconciliation, however, will have to come from Ford.

Good day to you.

John J Sears
President of The Zombie Rights Campaign

About The Author

The role of 'Administrator' will be played tonight by John Sears, currently serving as President of The Zombie Rights Campaign.


7 Responses to “Open Letter to Ford Motor Company Re: Fiesta Ad Campaign”

  1. J says:

    HAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA…I had to see this for myself, you guys/girls cannot be serious…the zombies rights campaign?? You can’t have rights if you don’t exist. I’d like to know one person who has died and then roamed the Earth as a zombie. What kind of fairytail land are you living in. I think someone played to much Modern Warfare and started thinking the zombies in the game were real. You really think Ford cares that a bunch of morons who believe in zombies are offended by there hilarious social media ad. I mean come on, put down the crack pipe. Is there a “tooth fairy rights group”? or a “Santa Claus Rights Group”?…no…because they are fictional characters…fictional characters. Zombies are a character that was made up for horror movies. I don’t think fictional characters really need their rights protected considering they are FAKE. please tell me this website is a joke??


  2. John Sears says:

    Sir, this website is no joke. We here at The Zombie Rights Campaign believe in advancing the cause of equality for all the Differently Animated, no matter how hard you try to avoid noticing their existence. If it has been hard for you to observe Zombies from day to day, it is no small part due to hateful prejudice such as your own, which forces most Zombies to attempt to ‘pass’ as a Living individual to get by. The state won’t grant driver’s licenses or other legal documents to people who have died (for more than a few seconds, anyway), and forget about getting a good job with most employers.

    Perhaps you need to step back and think about your own perspective before questioning that of people who are simply trying to help the most disadvantaged portion of our own population with a little kindness and compassion.

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