The Zombie Rights Campaign Blog

Zombies Doing Good: Zombie Day

The ZRC is always delighted to see Zombies and the Living brought together in a good cause, and so we were very pleased to hear about ‘Zombie Day’ this Saturday, April 20th in the Chicago area.

I will now shamelessly post the details from their Facebook page to benefit those who have not joined the Zuckerberg hive mind.

shbury Coffee House 8695 s. archer avenue willow springs,il

yes the event is finally here!

Zombie day!
A fun filled day of haunts, horror and all around good times.
We are raising money for Arts of Life, an art program to benefit the mentally/physically disabled.

We will have vendors from every which way of the horror community coming out and helping us out. Contests are to be announced soon.
Admission is $5 and donations are greatly appreciated!

Zombie Day Schedule

10:00-11:00am Vendors arrive/setup
11:00 am Doors open
11:30 am 1st film (TBD)
1:00pm Film Break
1:30pm Best Zombie stumble Contest
1:45pm 2nd Film-Night of the Living Dead
2:15pm Film Break
2:45pm Zombie Games (Zombie Tag, etc)
3:30pm 3rd Film (TBD)
5:00pm Best Zombie Costume
5:30pm Announcement of Auction winners
5:30-6PM Cleanup
*Schedule may vary in time

Tragically the ZRC cannot attend in person; the art director will be on the Left Coast for business travel and I have a brief to write for law school that, despite my hopes, has nothing to do with Differently Animated issues.

Unlife goes on though, so YOU, dear readers, should consider attending.

Do it for the Zombies.

About The Author

The role of 'Administrator' will be played tonight by John Sears, currently serving as President of The Zombie Rights Campaign.


One Response to “Zombies Doing Good: Zombie Day”

  1. Aw man, and I’ll be on the gulf coast this weekend, so I can’t go either! Maybe next year…

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