The Zombie Rights Campaign Blog

Call of Duty Black Ops Bashes Zombies and Attempts to Rehabilitate Nixon

I’d heard of the new Call of Duty game dipping its toes into the sea of Anti-Zombie gaming of late, but this was a surprise to be sure:

According to leaked videos posted online, the coming video game release “Call of Duty: Black Ops” features a sequence in which Richard Nixon teams up with John F. Kennedy, Robert McNamara and Fidel Castro to fight off zombie hordes at the Pentagon.

I have a four-year degree in political science so I can’t help but be fascinated at the scenario here; apparently this takes place when Kennedy was President, so we’re talking 1961-1963. Given that this was the height of the Cold War, and the Cuban Missile Crisis took place in October 1962… what the heck is Castro doing at the Pentagon?


The New York Times asked a Nixonian scholar, of sorts, about placing Nixon in a Zombie game, and this was part of his response:

Culture logic may be pushing all our major historical figures into the path of zombies, but Feeney said he finds the idea of Nixon as a zombie hunter problematic.

“Wouldn’t his fellow defenders of humanity be tempted to turn their guns on him?” Feeney said via e-mail. “He certainly did have his living-dead aspects.”

That may just be the vilest slander I’ve heard about Zombies all year. How, precisely, is Nixon akin to the ‘living-dead’ (fyi not preferred nomenclature, Mr. Feeney)?

I don’t recall any Zombies bombing Cambodia, or breaking into the Watergate hotel. Maybe I missed that movie? Was it another Romero project?

Thanks, NYT for the casual Zombashing.

As for the game itself, this is tasteless, and the actual gameplay is distinctly Living Supremacist, but at least the concept is novel, as opposed to Dead Rising’s ‘Zombies in the Mall’ rehash, or any of the innumerable Build a Barricade Tower Defense games available for the Xbox.

You can watch a bit of video from this bizarre Zombie-hating concept piece courtesy of Gamespot behind the cut:

About The Author

The role of 'Administrator' will be played tonight by John Sears, currently serving as President of The Zombie Rights Campaign.


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