Monstrous Pinata Glorifies Lynching Zombies
I really don’t know what to say about this one, at all:
Now you can practice your zombie killing and get rewarded at the same time with this zombie pinata. Available on Etsy from Tom Dead Stuff the pinata’s are paper mache and sell for $40 plus shipping/handling.
Yes, you can indeed do that – if you’re a despicable monster without a conscience or semblance of human decency.
The noose really takes it an extra step, doesn’t it, though? Not only does it glorify killing Zombies, it strongly implies that you should lynch them first (ala the Savini remake of Night of the Living Dead, perhaps). Lynching: Now it’s ok, if you do it to a Zombie.
I feel slightly ill. Might have to call it an early night after this.
Good troll John, good troll. I would be really worried if you were really this serious about things that don’t exist.
I’m not at all sure what you mean, good sir. The pinatas do seem to exist, and be for sale. We didn’t purchase one for evaluation, so I guess it *could* be a hoax, in poor taste, but I think it’s reasonable to assume it’s for real.
They sell ‘Zombie Blood’ in Hot Topic after all; it’s not that big of a stretch.
This is a great article go to Zombie Crossroads for more zombie stuff!