The Zombie Rights Campaign Blog

Zombie Snowman/Snow Zombie in progress

I’ve been debating the nomenclature of this one this afternoon. Is it a Zombie Snowman, or a Snow Zombie? I’m tending toward Zombie Snowman, Snow Zombie sounds like it’s an actual Zombie somehow made of snow, whereas Zombie Snowman makes Zombie the modifier on ‘Snowman’.

I probably overthink these things.

However, I had time to do so because.. making a Zombie Snowman is a struggle with this weather and the snow we’ve gotten. It’s cold, the snow is very dry (cannot be shaped into snowballs very well), and the wind is pretty gusty. Plus, ice keeps flying off the trees and smacking me in the head. Ow.

So I got pretty dispirited, even as I found pieces of snow I could stack upon one another to make a snowman-ish shape. It just wasn’t looking like snowmen are ‘supposed’ to look. But then I got to thinking – Zombies often don’t look like they’re ‘supposed’ to look either! Why should a Zombie Snowman have to conform to narrow standards of snowman aesthetics?

Which cheered me up a bit, plus then I got a snow-head piece to balance fairly well, and it looks pretty neat with the arms in:


I don’t have coal, or even dark rocks for the eyes, so I used red bottlecaps (because Zombies are sometimes shown with glowing eyes).


Taking advantage of the very narrow snow-waist, I put in some exposed ribs by using sticks:


I think we’re dug out enough to get to the store, so barring another mini-blizzard, tomorrow I get the Karo syrup, food coloring and other supplies to properly Zombie up this snow dude.

About The Author

The role of 'Administrator' will be played tonight by John Sears, currently serving as President of The Zombie Rights Campaign.


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