The Zombie Rights Campaign Blog

Some Anti-Zombie Products to Avoid

We here at the ZRC believe strongly in journalistic integrity, so we can’t grant a full review (and righteous kicking) to these products yet since we haven’t purchased any of them.

Though I’d sincerely like to.

Instead, just know that in this festive time of year there are still lots of people looking to cash in on the hatred of the Differently Animated, and they’re making junk like this:

Little Red Riding Hood’s Zombie BBQ
–A re-release of a 2008 game that apparently sucked on ice due to bad controls. Nice job going for quality there, Nintendo.

Age of Zombies
–An updated release of an older PSP game for the iPad and iPhone, apparently this is another dual stick shooter (ala Zombie Apocalypse and many others) but with a sense of humor; a sense of humor in that, it thinks it’s hilarious to shoot Zombies.

Think Geek’s Zombie Attack Hoodie:
–This is super-offensive. Apparently, however, the wearer of the hoodie isn’t necessarily (or even likely) a ‘Survivor’, as there are signs that they have since become a Zombie (stereotype) themselves, according to the merchants of death at Think Geek:

This hoodie features the battle scars you earned in your fight with the zombie hordes. Clearly, you’ve had better days. There are bloody handprints near the pockets and slashes across the chest. There’s a deep slash across the back that reveals your exposed spine. There’s a bandage on your left wrist revealing bite marks. There’s a chunk of missing skull on the back of the hood, which is lined in brains. We’d say you ought to get that looked at, except there’s a pretty massive blood spatter on the front of the hood around the area where your mouth would be. Which implies that you ain’t one of us any more. But you put up a valiant fight, and for that we salute you. But we’re not taking the helmet off, no how, no way.

Good job pushing the ‘us vs them’ theme, Think Geek. You could have come to us for mediation, but oh no, you had to go the Zombie Apocalypse route, and now look where it’s gotten you: afraid to take off your headgear for the rest of your (probably short) lives. Nice work.

About The Author

The role of 'Administrator' will be played tonight by John Sears, currently serving as President of The Zombie Rights Campaign.


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