The Zombie Rights Campaign Blog


Our worthy adversaries over at Zombie Universe alerted the ZRC to this distasteful and highly disturbing image:

Wow, huh? In case of Zombies you need a handful of guns, knives, utensils and Spam?

The first thing that strikes me about this tableau is that it’s hateful, fearful and offensive. The idea of greeting Zombies with violence is hardly new, but putting your bigotry on prominent display, behind glass? Stunning.

The second thing that strikes me is that I see several guns but no extra ammunition. Even assuming those guns are loaded (which is a catastrophically unsafe state of affairs), the hypothetical Zombie Apocalypse ‘survivor’ (aka Killing Machine) would be out of ammunition before they made it to the county line. (If they live in a city, change that to ‘before they got three blocks over’.)

Then there’s the First Aid Kit. That’s… a pretty sad, tiny little thing. I bet it holds like four bandaids and a couple cotton swabs; hardly what you want in a real emergency.

Naturally the setup includes a copy of Max Brooks’ answer to the Anarchist Cookbook. Someday I want to show images like this to Mr. Brooks and ask him how he sleeps at night, having disseminated so much hate so widely, and inspired so many ardent, deranged fans like whoever spent a good deal of time making their own Anti-Zombie emergency kit behind glass.

Yikes there are some scary people out there.

About The Author

The role of 'Administrator' will be played tonight by John Sears, currently serving as President of The Zombie Rights Campaign.


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