The Zombie Rights Campaign Blog

‘Rock of the Dead’ an Insult to Zombies, Gamers, Dr. Horrible Fans, Sentient Life in General

Did you know that an Anti-Zombie, vaguely musical (think Guitar Hero) videogame came out late last year?

Nope, me either. Or, it seems, anyone who plays games, almost anywhere in the world; but it happened, and it was/is called ‘Rock of the Dead’

Released for the Wii, PS3 and Xbox 360 in October with a barely-noticed ‘thud’, ‘Rock of the Dead’ wants to be ‘Typing of the Dead’, which wasn’t itself a smashing commercial success. However, with the sort of bitter hilarity that warms my blackened heart, they failed to reach even that humble threshold, and produced what seems to be the worst musically themed game ever made that didn’t feature Aerosmith.

Instead, this turkey featured Rob Zombie. Well, at least some of his music.

From the reviews I can find around the net, this game is pretty awful. From the video I’ve watched I can attest to the lousy graphics, questionable design and fairly painful voice acting (which features Neil Patrick Harris and Felicia Day, presumably in an attempt to burn some bridges with the Dr. Horrible fanset).

The plot seems to be that meteors fall out of the sky and reanimate various people and creatures as Zombies, and so the main character the Dude has to go out and fight them with the power of his Axe. Riiiiiiiight.

And yet it hasn’t hit true bargain bin territory on Amazon yet. If I can snag a copy on ebay for five bucks I might come back with an official review for you later.

For now I’m left with a number of questions. Why can’t Zombies like Rock and Roll? Why does Neil Patrick Harris want me to hate him? What does Felicia Day have against the Differently Animated?

I guess some things we will never know. Once again the ZRC is tasked with the sad news of telling you, the Zombie Allied public, of another pathetic attempt to cash in on Anti-Zombie violence. Fortunately, this one at least didn’t pay off.

I’m including below a truly hilarious and scathing review from 5min Media, which shows you just what you’re dealing with when considering purchasing, playing, or even looking vaguely in the direction of ‘Rock of the Dead’.

About The Author

The role of 'Administrator' will be played tonight by John Sears, currently serving as President of The Zombie Rights Campaign.


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