ZRC Protest Blog #3: Inside the Capitol
Here’s a batch of pictures from the trip to the big rally downtown today; as usual, you can see the whole set here.
(This was posted right inside the doors, and a good sign of the level of support Walker could expect from the crowds)
(The rotunda was absolutely *packed*)
(The Dept. of Geography is having none of Walker’s plan.)
(We have a beautiful Capitol as it turns out)
(The balconies were all covered with signage and banners)
(One of the *two* Walker supporters, or at least anti-Union, people I saw today. Total. That means, conservatively, the crowd seemed to run 15,000-1 against Walker)
(A sit-in is/was occupying much of the second floor)
(Egypt really is changing the game around the world.)
(The crowd passed notes via signs on the wall; the wifi wasn’t working well, at least for me)
(When the news began to circulate that the quorum had been foiled I think things lightened up at least a little.)