The Zombie Rights Campaign Blog


Remember how I promised there would be updates, plural, today?

Not so much, though I’m working on a few things. Here’s how we spent our day here instead of on Zombie Rights:

This morning while picking up the last of the yardwork supplies my credit card, which had plenty of room on it, got declined. After investigating it turns out that some… ahem, individual… in the United Kingdom had gotten ahold of the number, most likely by purchasing it in a chat room or some such, and tried to run up a slew of charges, culminating in 800 dollars worth of pornography.

That’s.. a lot of pornography.

So the issuing bank took the sensible approach and nuked the account from orbit. They just failed to tell *me* about it beforehand.


Fixing that mess would have taken much of the day on its own but then my actual credit union that holds the ZRC checking account amongst other things decided to lose a huge deposit, and thus our cash flow and sanity were reduced to perilous levels.

Thusly: today was mostly wasted, tomorrow I get to sit at home all day waiting on a rush shipment of new cards from the one bank and some kind of response from the credit union.

For once I have a very good excuse to slack off a bit here, but it’s a shame, because I have so much to talk about on the subject of Undead Equality. I’ll get back to it as soon as I can.


About The Author

The role of 'Administrator' will be played tonight by John Sears, currently serving as President of The Zombie Rights Campaign.


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