The Zombie Rights Campaign Blog

High School of the Dead: Early Impressions and Anti-Zombie Journalism

| July 5, 2010

Anime News Network helpfully runs a seasonal preview feature highlighting the newest shows from Japan, and their summer previews have just kicked off. The good news? This provides some valuable intel on how soon-to-be-imported, likely-megahit zombie-bashing anime High School of the Dead is doing in the establishment press. The bad news? Sometimes the establishment press [...]

Famous Monsters Appearance Info

| July 4, 2010

Well, we have the information on where our booth will be located at the Famous Monsters of Filmland Convention this Friday-Sunday. The Zombie Rights Campaign’s booth is located in the ‘Hall of Champions’, right by an entrance so that you can stop by our place both first and last to spend your lucre for charity. [...]

High School of the Dead Coming to America

| July 3, 2010

So our friends across the Pacific have hopped onto the Romero bandwagon with an anime adaptation of the aptly named ‘Highschool of the Dead’ manga, whose story and content are clearly inspired by the grandmaster of Living Supremacist film. I had seen this news before, and wondered what the chances of the anime adaptation being [...]

Lurch for the Cure Auction Items #4-5

| July 1, 2010

I apologize for not getting these up sooner, but… well, the why isn’t important. I have been negligent in my duties as a Zombie Rights advocate and I apologize. The next two items come to us from the very personable, and apparently somewhat repentant Mr. Fred Van Lente, who was kind enough to donate a [...]

Brain-Cupcakes for Your Next Living-Undead Mixer

| July 1, 2010

It can be hard to break the ice at a gathering of mixed Living and Undead individuals. Sometimes awkward stereotypes, nervousness and ill-feelings, even amongst those inclined to be social, can hang over such an event like a cloud. In such cases, you need something fun and surprising to get everyone to loosen up a [...]

Zombie Disney Princesses!

| July 1, 2010

see more This is an awesome show of Zombie solidarity, with some undead getting together for a costume theme party. Either that, or fictional characters can rise from the dead without ever having been alive, and they come back as Zombies. Which would be awesome, but might pose some difficulties, especially as regards paperwork, drivers’ [...]