The Zombie Rights Campaign Blog

ZRC Site Visit: Zombee Donuts and Bakeshop, Fullerton California

| July 15, 2017

(Walkers…welcome? We hope so!) On a recent West Coast outing, the Zombie Rights Campaign staff had time for a short detour to the Zombee Donuts and Bakeshop, located in Fullerton, California. As the name suggests, and the website confirms, this is a bakery, focused on donuts and similar pastries, with a decidedly Undead theme. As [...]

ZRC Calendar Announcement: The Last Dark Carnival/Diabolique Film Festival

| June 6, 2015

They say all good things come to an end, but it’s always sad when the really good ones do. The Diabolique International Film Festival, formerly The Dark Carnival Film Festival, has been a big part of the ZRC’s existence since the very beginning, always bringing us the latest and greatest in Undead Cinema to review [...]

The ZRC Trip to ‘Nightmare on Chicago Street’ 2014 with Pictures

| November 1, 2014

Hello out there, Zombie Rights supporters! This is our slightly belated post about ‘Nightmare on Chicago Street’ 2014; there were some slight camera issues but it’s all worked out now. —– Saturday, October 25th the Zombie Rights Campaign once again traveled to, well, chilly Elgin Illinois for their Halloween spectacular/outreach event known as ‘Nightmare on [...]

Zombie Rights Campaign – Spring Update

| April 5, 2014

Hello out there, Zombies and Zombie Allies! Apologies for the relative dearth of content the last few months; it’s the end of my second year in the school of the law and there are midterms to take, finals to study for, and my law-related job is training me to handle actual clients and their cases. [...]

ZRC Public Appearance Announcement: Dark Carnival/Diabolique Film Festival

| February 1, 2014

The Zombie Rights Campaign will be making our annual pilgrimage back to Southern Indiana this year for a trip to the Dark Carnival Film Festival! Well, not quite; they’ve had an upgrade and a name change. Now it’s the ‘Diabolique’ Film Festival. But we still anticipate a slate of engaging and challenging, occasionally heartwarming (if [...]

Nightmare on Chicago Street 2013

| October 30, 2013

The Zombie Rights Campaign had a great time at Nightmare on Chicago Street in Elgin last Saturday! We were once again very impressed by the extremely creative, extremely hardworking Elgin crew, who create what is unambiguously the biggest, most elaborate Halloween public celebration and Zombie Walk we have ever seen. (Like being in an action [...]

Rifftrax Live: Night of the Living Dead Review

| October 28, 2013

Last Thursday night, the Rifftrax gang (who we have had previous disagreements with, see our Plan 9 From Outer Space review) hosted a screening of the classic, and unfortunately Anti-Zombie film, ‘Night of the Living Dead’. And of course, they made fun of it. (har-har. But it *could* be viewed as a Rifftrax fan mocking [...]

Busy Season for the Zombie Rights Campaign

| October 19, 2013

Zombies Allies: we hope the autumn season finds you well. The leaves are colorful, the air is crisp, and there’s a little holiday coming up, I forget the name. Hallo-something or other. I jest, of course; this is the most Zombie Time of the Year after all! Next weekend the Zombie Rights Campaign will be [...]

Save the Date: Nightmare on Chicago Street, October 26th, 2013

| September 27, 2013

Once again The Zombie Rights Campaign will be going to ‘Nightmare on Chicago Street’ in Elgin, Illinois, to spread the good word about Zombies and why they should have rights. Even in the midst of a simulated Zombie ‘Apocalypse’. Past years have been memorable to say the least, and the ZRC is stepping up our [...]

The ZRC Back from Horrorhound Indianapolis 2013

| September 12, 2013

Apologies for the belated post, all. Lost a camera cable, had some technological issues, even had to sort out some issues with the trusty ZRC Mobile — as trip aftermaths go, this was intense! But the actual journey to Horrorhound Indianapolis was fine, and fun, and we talked to a lot of great people about [...]