The Zombie Rights Campaign Blog

Joe R. Lansdale Making Zombie Movie

We’ve got a quick news update here, suitable for the holiday weekend: Joe R. Lansdale is making a Zombie movie.

A Zombie Christmas movie, actually:

Author Joe R. Lansdale (Bubba Ho Tep) is about to bring his zombies to the big screen.

Lansdale’s latest short story, to be released in early 2011, is ready to be made into a movie: “Christmas with the Dead.”

As for the film’s synopsis, Landsdale breaks it down like this: It was a foolish thing to do, and Calvin had not bothered with it the past two years, not since the death of his wife and child. But this year he decided quite suddenly, that tomorrow was Christmas Eve. And zombies be damned, the lights and decorations are going up…

Obviously we haven’t read the story yet (since we lack a time machine), but from the description this doesn’t sound promising. Why, exactly, must the Zombies ‘be damned’, and why would the presence of Zombies mean no lights and decorations, anyway?

I’m assuming this is some kind of humorous take on the ‘Zombie Apocalypse’ scenario; who knows, maybe it will be the Home Alone of Anti-Zombie filmmaking (as opposed to that Home Alone/I Am Legend mashup video we discussed recently).

Obviously, that might not be the case, and it might turn out that the story is one of those touching holiday sentimental pieces about learning to understand one another after initial misunderstandings and distrust. Which normally, I’ve seen enough of the genre for a lifetime, but if there were Zombies involved that would at least be a very novel twist.

The Undead really do need a good, solid Christmas movie to call their own. Maybe this could be the one?

We’re skeptical, but holding out hope here at the ZRC. Once the story is available we’ll have a better idea, obviously.

About The Author

The role of 'Administrator' will be played tonight by John Sears, currently serving as President of The Zombie Rights Campaign.


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