The Zombie Rights Campaign Blog

This Week in Capcom’s Quest for More Money

Just a couple quick items here in their growing list (rapidly growing, always growing) of offenses against good taste and the Differently Animated:

1) This week Resident Evil: Afterlife comes out on DVD. You can see our review for the movie here, or just simulate the experience of watching the flick by shoving your face into one of those stick blenders (for that extra 3D element).

2) The latest Dead Rising 2 DLC, ‘Case West’, is out now for the Xbox 360. Apparently it’s something of a buddy picture concept as Frank West and what’s his face from Dead Rising 2, the world’s worst dad, team up to clear their names. Not clear their names of killing Zombies, of course, because apparently that’s ok.

About The Author

The role of 'Administrator' will be played tonight by John Sears, currently serving as President of The Zombie Rights Campaign.


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