The Zombie Rights Campaign Blog

Shortbread Zombie Dinosaurs

Only partially inspired by the ongoing dialogue we’re having over here about the prospects of a Zombie Dinosaur comic, tonight I baked some Shortbread cookies in the shape of Zombie Dinosaurs and a couple of Zombiebread Men.

Ok, so the only cookie-cutter like objects I had around the house were for making dinosaur sandwiches. Your point?

These are awesome.

(The cookies hot out of the oven)

(A Shortbread Zombie)

(A Shortbread Zombie Dinosaur)

If the media was to be believed, we here in the ZRC compound might surely be doomed, what with Zombie Dinosaurs running amok.

Somehow I think we’ll get along just fine.

About The Author

The role of 'Administrator' will be played tonight by John Sears, currently serving as President of The Zombie Rights Campaign.


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