The Zombie Rights Campaign Blog

More International Politics and the Zombie Apocalypse

We previously dealt with the work of one Daniel Drezner, a foreign policy analyst, professor of international politics at Tufts University’s Fletcher School and hater of Zombies, here on the ZRC blog when he penned a piece on Zombies and international relations for Foreign Policy magazine:

A singular lack of empathy and research into the actual practices of the Differently Animated pervades the work. Popular Anti-Zombie film constitutes almost the entirety of their conceptual understanding of Zombies, and thus, even though such works are hardly consistent in and of themselves (even when confined to the Romero-Russo paradigm), FP uses them to construct a simplistic and hyperviolent picture of the Undead community. Given this simplistic and wholly imagined ‘threat’, simplistic and uncaring responses seem to follow not just logically but necessarily.

Now it seems he has expanded his myopic and prejudicial look at the international relations ‘dilemma’ posed by Zombies into a new book:

What would happen to international politics if the dead rose from the grave and started to eat the living? Daniel Drezner’s groundbreaking book answers the question that other international relations scholars have been too scared to ask. Addressing timely issues with analytical bite, Drezner looks at how well-known theories from international relations might be applied to a war with zombies. Exploring the plots of popular zombie films, songs, and books, Theories of International Relations and Zombies predicts realistic scenarios for the political stage in the face of a zombie threat and considers how valid–or how rotten–such scenarios might be.

If one wants to see how he further misunderstands the Zombie Community in his quest for fame and fortune in the Anti-Zombie Ivory Towers of academia, the book is available on Tragically, even in the comments at Amazon there is already talk of using this… book… to teach students in International Relations classes. Shameful.

About The Author

The role of 'Administrator' will be played tonight by John Sears, currently serving as President of The Zombie Rights Campaign.


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