The Zombie Rights Campaign Blog

New Anti-Zombie Facebook Game ‘Zombie Pandemic’

It appears that Facebook, ever on the watch for new ways to be evil, has decided to ‘innovate’ by allowing an Anti-Zombie social game onto the site:

One of the newest Facebook games that’s gaining a bit of speed (relative to its very young age of just a few days old) is Pixel Pandemic’s appropriately titled Zombie Pandemic. The company describes the game as a survival-horror MMORPG, which places you in the role of a survivor in a zombie-infested city. The entire point of the game is to survive long enough to make it to one of the game’s safehouses, where you can escape the zombie scourge.

As with most other Facebook games, there is a premium element here that would require you to spend real money in order to take advantage of it. Instead of just being a single item or two, however, this premium setup is actually a new membership into the game, allowing you replenish your stamina points 50% faster, further customize your character, create more characters than just one (and all will remain active), and so on. These bonuses are questionable at best, considering that you’ll have to keep renewing your membership over time – it isn’t a one-time deal.

It gets better; in addition to being virulently Anti-Zombie and mercenary, it also demands access to many of your personal details in order to play, including access to your email address from Facebook.

Grr. No thanks; I don’t want to get spam from your MMO to my ZRC account.

Still, it keeps with the theme, doesn’t it?

About The Author

The role of 'Administrator' will be played tonight by John Sears, currently serving as President of The Zombie Rights Campaign.


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