The Zombie Rights Campaign Blog

Hollywood is Dead, Movie Posters and an Anti-Zombie Valentine’s Day

So ‘Hollywood is Dead’ is a website that features the art of one Matt Busch, who is famous (or perhaps infamous) for taking traditional pop art, especially movie posters, and applying a Zombie gloss to them. The only real issue is that, well, it’s actually an Anti-Zombie gloss – Busch doesn’t so much dabble in prejudice against the Differently Animated as he slathers it on, using widely loved movies as a delivery mechanism for his twisted dislike of the Zombie Community.

Leading up to Valentine’s Day Bush is deploying a new suite of 9 posters, classic movies now ‘Zombified’, embodying the worst sort of Anti-Zombie stereotypes, blood and carnage:

Now, just in time for Valentine’s Day, Busch has painted 9 new infectious posters with a romantic theme. Paying special attention to cinematic love stories and “date movies”, this series offers classics like The Wizard of Oz (The Walking \ Dead of Oz), Beauty and the Beast (Beauty and the Feast), and Edward Scissorhands (Deadward Scissorhands). Beginning February 2nd, the Hollywood-is-Dead website will release a new poster each weekday, leading up to the final masterpiece on February 14th.

Yes, if you have a burning need to see allegedly Zombie versions of your classic movie icons, many are now available to heap scorn upon. Taglines from the films have been twisted into things like, “Deadward Scissorhands: Human flesh is what he needs. Beauty is what she sees.”

Where’s the positive side of the Undead, Mr. Busch? What exactly is so appealing, I often want to ask artists who wallow in the blood and guts aspects of Zombiism, with people rotting quietly in the ground? Or sitting in a small ashey pile in a jar on someone’s mantle?

Why is a world with Zombies so ‘bleak’, anyway? That’s his term, btw. From the about page on his site:

In this bleak vision, Hollywood may be dead, but these box office cadavers are sure to bring you coming back for more.

I’m still wondering here. I guess he’s one of those ‘glass is half empty’ types.

Don’t get me wrong, his raw artistic talent and ability to mimic the iconic work of others is astounding, even more so given that he apparently eschews digital software for most of his work. But I just wish he’d put it to a more Zombie Friendly message, and not all this ‘blood, guts, eat brains’ nonsense. Zombies are not simple skull-chomping death machines, Mr. Busch. Zombies are people too!

About The Author

The role of 'Administrator' will be played tonight by John Sears, currently serving as President of The Zombie Rights Campaign.


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