Capitol Posting II
Got the laptop mostly charged up at a station downstairs; I have to question the wisdom of putting charging stations on the ground floor with all the crowds and limited space, but I made it work.
The wifi is a bit better today; I think it grants priority to people who’ve gotten on earlier in the day.
The firefighters came through here not long ago, had their bagpipers play a few songs. The crowd is incredibly loud and active. The unions are out all over the place. I’ve seen teamsters, laborers, pipetrade people, public sector unions obviously, I can see a longshoreman from where I’m sitting.
If Walker thinks this is going away he’s just nuts. I’ve probably seen enough people just demonstrating at the Capitol this past week to get halfway to a Walker recall. Maybe closer.
Update: The Assembly Dems came out on a catwalk above the Rotunda a couple of minutes ago. The applause was deafening.