The Zombie Rights Campaign Blog

‘Aaah! Zombies!!’ On Cable Tonight

A movie supposedly told from the Zombies’ perspective is going to be on cable tonight:

“AAAH! ZOMBIES!!” stars The Vampire Diaries’ Matthew Davis, Betsy Beutler (Scrubs), Michael Terry (Bones) and Julianna Robinson with Tracey Walter (I Spit On Your Grave). Turning the zombie film genre on its head, “AAAH! ZOMBIES!!” is a horror comedy told from the perspective of the brain munching monsters themselves. The film festival favorite is fast becoming a cult classic with a rabid fan following across internet horror movie destinations and social networking websites.

“We’ve been extremely pleased with the amazing response the film has received from fans and critics and we’re very excited about premiering “AAAH! ZOMBIES!!” on Chiller,” said Sheldon Brigman, EVP of Level 33 Entertainment.


I know, from the description, that doesn’t sound promising, what with the ‘brain munching monsters’ and all. Still, I watched the trailer and…

Well, the trailer cuts both ways, and I’m going to have to snag it from Netflix and make a review. It could be Zombie Friendly, Anti-Zombie or anything in between, judging from this:

As you can see, it seems to revel in both stereotypical ‘Zombie’ behavior and exhibit considerable sympathy for the Zombies themselves. I question the premise somewhat. I mean, even if they can’t communicate with Living humans via speech anymore, why not a note? Is this some kind of bizarre, Undead aphasia where they can’t actually write anything that any Living person can read? Would it just come out as ‘Braaaaaaains’?

I suppose only a full viewing can solve this mystery.

Those of you with cable and this Chiller channel can find out for yourselves tonight as well.

About The Author

The role of 'Administrator' will be played tonight by John Sears, currently serving as President of The Zombie Rights Campaign.


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