The Zombie Rights Campaign Blog

The ZRC Red Cross Auction

Wanted to post an update on the Auction, which closed recently, and thank all our readers and Zombie Strong fans for chipping in for a worthy cause.

Altogether the ZRC and Zombie Allies across the country (and I mean that, I saw the shipping labels) raised $320 for the Red Cross, which I think is a great haul and something we can build on in the future. Thanks to all the people who bought, all the people who donated and everyone who wanted to help out with two worthy causes in one go, both Zombie Rights and of course, Disaster Relief.

The Zombies thank you for your time and participation. The Horde for Humanitarian Aid was a big success and hopefully will help to spread our message that Zombies are more than the stereotyped image of a shambling, brain-devouring corpse; Zombies are people too.

Who sometimes help out with charity drives.

About The Author

The role of 'Administrator' will be played tonight by John Sears, currently serving as President of The Zombie Rights Campaign.


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