The Zombie Rights Campaign Blog

‘Call of Duty: Black Ops’ Goes Too Far… Again..This Time with George Romero

‘Call of Duty: Black Ops’ is getting a new map expansion pack, and naturally, that means more Anti-Zombie violence, but this time they’re really going all out:

It’s rare that a DLC for a game gets an all star voice acting cast but that’s what’s happening with the new zombie level included in the upcoming Call of Duty Black Ops Escalation map pack. The zombie map is titled Call of the Dead and will be set on a frozen ship.

The four playable characters in the level, as you can see in the above “grindhouse movie” style trailer, are modeled after and voiced by genre actor favorites like Robert Englund, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Michael Rooker and Danny Trejo. Oh and the king of zombie movie directors, George Romero himself, shows up as a big and nasty zombie.

This is naturally an outrage. Michael Rooker is on The Walking Dead so that comes as no surprise, and Sarah Michelle Gellar has been pretty hard on some of the Differently Animated during her career, but I didn’t see this coming from Robert Englund or Danny Trejo.

Naturally they got George Romero, and he’s helping to perpetuate the Zombies-as-Villains stereotype in a whole new way here. Is there nothing this man won’t stoop to in order to harm the Zombie Community?

We’re all very shocked and appalled. So that you can be too, I’ve embedded the trailer below.

Thanks to BuyZombie for alerting us to this travesty.

About The Author

The role of 'Administrator' will be played tonight by John Sears, currently serving as President of The Zombie Rights Campaign.


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