The Zombie Rights Campaign Blog

More ZRC Outreach Thanks to ZRC Friend Deneen Melody

One of the key strategies we engage in here at the ZRC is to cultivate support and relationships with up-and-coming stars and behind the scenes types in the independent film world. There are really two prongs to this strategy; first, just by talking and socializing with people you can expose them to alternative ways of seeing the world, and particularly the Differently Animated. Just learning that there *is* a Zombie Rights Movement comes as a shock to many, and informs their possible future decisions vis a vis Zombie treatment on film.

Secondly though, there are also concrete benefits to networking in the indie film world, in that if you find receptive individuals they can help spread our Message.

Witness this interview given by ZRC pal Deneen Melody to the Horror Society about her current and upcoming projects:

In the event of a zombie apocalypse, name 3 items you wouldn’t leave your house without.

Deneen: My Chinchilla, my Lord of the Ring dvds, and my Legolas Greenleaf standee…in case I get lonely. Harharhar. Normally I would bring my sword, but I wouldn’t want to fight the zombies out of respect to the undead and my friends at the Zombie Rights Campaign.

It’s very nice to see our plan to spread tolerance and understanding of the Zombie population bear fruit in this way! However the same interview shows that we still have a long way to go, alas:

Hopefully, we can chat in the future because Deneen mentioned the Zombie Rights Campaign. They covered an article of mine when I went behind the scenes and was an extra in a new horror-mockumentary called Zombie Bohemia. I’m so confused whether they’re serious or it’s a big joke! There are ways you can keep up to date on this kind and talented actress. Visit her website, check her IMDB Page, or friend her on Facebook.

Thank you for your time, Deneen.

Aww, we’re hurt! Of course The Zombie Rights Campaign is serious – serious about Zombie Rights. We’re always up for dialogue, Mike aka MGDSQUAN. You can contact us via the blog, email, Twitter, Facebook, etc, and we’ll be happy to discuss Zombie Rights in greater detail.

It’s what we do.

About The Author

The role of 'Administrator' will be played tonight by John Sears, currently serving as President of The Zombie Rights Campaign.


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