The Zombie Rights Campaign Blog

Public Appearances for 2010

Just wanted to put up a quick post about the ZRC’s public appearance schedule for the year so far.

March 27th -28th: Horrorhound (Indianapolis)
The ZRC will be in attendance but only as spectators this year, due to, well, quite frankly, we’re not sure. Horrorhound seems to be having a lot of trouble keeping in contact with Vendors, and failed to even notice our application until it was too late. So we can’t get a booth. Still, we’ll be milling about, and get a chance to see our Arch-nemeses Tom Savini and George Romero.

May 1st: Women of Horror 2 (Chicago)
We plan to attend the Women of Horror 2 film festival, and we’ll likely have a booth but that’s not set in stone yet. Come on out to the historic Portage theatre and see some flicks. No word on if any are zombie related yet.

July 9th-11th: Famous Monsters of Horror (Indianapolis)
This is a huge one folks, our first table at a big convention. And hey, what do you know, they even took our money in a timely manner. They have quite a lineup for a horror con this year, and in zombie news they’re having a Cast Reunion for Night of the Living Dead. What better chance for the ZRC to shame a number of actors and actresses who profited from greenface all at once? If you’re in Indianapolis and you support Zombie Rights, you have to come out for this one. Perhaps we can make another picket line.

September 3rd-5th: Geek Kon (Madison, Wisconsin)
We missed this last year, shame on us. This year we plan to both attend and have a booth so that we can spread the word about Zombie Rights to the receptive Madisonian audience.

Fall 2010: Dark Carnival Film Festival
We will be in attendance at the DC as we are every year. Last year was a great campaign for Zombie Rights, and we expect no less this time around. There will be protests and picketing and of course lots of ZRC merchandise to purchase.

Zombie-Con (Milwaukee)
Barring an event-conflict and assuming it goes on schedule as usual this year, the ZRC plans to attend the convention named for our rights-seeking Undead brethren.

That’s it for now, Z-fans. We will add more dates to the schedule as we make confirmations. In particular we’re looking for stuff to do in the late spring/early summer, so if you have anything in mind, feel free to email us here at the Zombie Rights Campaign.

About The Author

The role of 'Administrator' will be played tonight by John Sears, currently serving as President of The Zombie Rights Campaign.


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