The Zombie Rights Campaign Blog

XKCD Gets on the Zombie Bashing Wagon

So the latest comic from nerd-tastic XKCD contains a take on the traditional Zombie Pandemic scenario:

XKCD comic about Zombies

As you can see, Randall Munroe has decided to show his true lifeist colors with this heartless display of anti-Zombie violence, but also note how closely he adheres to several outdated Zombie stereotypes. Zombies are created in a laboratory (presumably a government one); Zombies come from a chemical maguffin with fantastic and completely unexpected effects; the creation of a Zombie is a horrible accident, all a Zombie wants to do is devour human flesh, and so on. Even George Romero, the patron saint of Zombie-bashing, has moved on to a (slightly) more enlightened and nuanced understanding of the Differently Animated.

But not Mr. Munroe. He’s still stuck in the 80s, watching Return of the Living Dead on VHS.

For shame.

About The Author

The role of 'Administrator' will be played tonight by John Sears, currently serving as President of The Zombie Rights Campaign.


One Response to “XKCD Gets on the Zombie Bashing Wagon”

  1. [...] dealing with stereotypes, slander, and disrespect… After I have them explore the pain of this very oppressed culture, they could be open to looking at the more day to day experiences of their fellow students It is [...]

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