XKCD Gets on the Zombie Bashing Wagon
So the latest comic from nerd-tastic XKCD contains a take on the traditional Zombie Pandemic scenario:
As you can see, Randall Munroe has decided to show his true lifeist colors with this heartless display of anti-Zombie violence, but also note how closely he adheres to several outdated Zombie stereotypes. Zombies are created in a laboratory (presumably a government one); Zombies come from a chemical maguffin with fantastic and completely unexpected effects; the creation of a Zombie is a horrible accident, all a Zombie wants to do is devour human flesh, and so on. Even George Romero, the patron saint of Zombie-bashing, has moved on to a (slightly) more enlightened and nuanced understanding of the Differently Animated.
But not Mr. Munroe. He’s still stuck in the 80s, watching Return of the Living Dead on VHS.
For shame.
[...] dealing with stereotypes, slander, and disrespect… After I have them explore the pain of this very oppressed culture, they could be open to looking at the more day to day experiences of their fellow students It is [...]