The Zombie Rights Campaign Blog

‘Zombie Protection Fund’

There are times when without context it is truly hard to determine how the ZRC should feel about a particular image or idea relating to our clients. Case in point?

Protect you from what, bad Zombie related service?

At first I automatically assumed, based on long and unfortunate experience, that this was shaking down customers for protection AGAINST Zombies, and indeed, I would wager that is almost everyone’s initial take.

In which case, my reaction was something like this:

Seriously, does absolutely everyone, everywhere have to attempt to cash in on the backs of our Undead clients? Is even a sliver of compassion or, failing that, self-restraint too much to ask?

Now you’re going to get hit up for, *literally*, protection money when you’re at the cash register? What, or else come the Zombie Apocalypse the barista will serve you last? Seriously?

But perhaps I was being too hasty. What if this isn’t money to protect AGAINST Zombies, but… a fund to PROTECT Zombies. To aid them, comfort them, help them go about their daily Unlives in the face of prejudice.

That would be awesome, and it’s not TOTALLY without precedent, you see these little charity collection jars beside the cash register at restaurants and gas stations all the time.

So what do you, the loyal ZRC reader, think? Pro-Zombie or Anti-Zombie? Should we give it the benefit of the doubt?

(Special note: As this was already a small photograph I have placed the entire object on the blog for fair use commentary, but, as always, non-ZRC generated content remains the right of its original creator/publisher)

About The Author

The role of 'Administrator' will be played tonight by John Sears, currently serving as President of The Zombie Rights Campaign.


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