Zombie March Aftermath
So we went to the March, and it was a big success.
I’ve been a bit delayed in processing all the photos and video we took that day because, in combination with the move, I seem to have strained, perhaps even sprained my left ankle. Unpacking from the move we had in progress is a lot harder when you have trouble going up and down stairs, heh.
I’m trying to take it in stride though (no pun intended), and use this as a learning opportunity. Many Zombies are sadly encumbered, when it comes to pedestrian travel, with similarly banged up legs; this in turn leads to the cruel ‘shambling’ stereotype. I can say I’ve walked a bit in a Zombie’s shoes now, thanks to the injury and the limp I’m sporting.
Rest assured ZRC fans, I’m getting on it today. (The uploading to flickr and youtube I mean; I’m still trying to stay off the bad leg when possible)
See what we go through here at the ZRC? How we suffer for Undead Equality?
I thought so.