The Zombie Rights Campaign Blog

Even More Zombies Fighting Against Breast Cancer

We do some work here at the ZRC fundraising for breast cancer research via The Lurch for the Cure, as our loyal readers are no doubt aware, so seeing others also bring the Living and Undead together in the same cause is very nice:

Be they zombies or ROTC members, nothing rallies the dead and living around the effort to end cancer like… dodgeball?

University of Wisconsin Oshkosh students involved in Colleges Against Cancer hosted and participated in the Oct. 12 ‘Bresticle Testicle Festival’ dodgeball tournament on campus to raise awareness and research funding to fight the disease. Student organizers and athletes capitalized on October’s Breast Cancer Awareness Month in staging the event.

Yet another example of Zombie Friendly Wisconsin! Man this state can be awesome sometimes.

And what a great example it is, too. Civic-minded Undead helping raise money for cancer research. Really good show, UW-Oshkosh Zombies. Really good show.

About The Author

The role of 'Administrator' will be played tonight by John Sears, currently serving as President of The Zombie Rights Campaign.


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